Friction, Rheology, and Tribology

Symposium Agenda

Day 1 - Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Session 1

8:30 - Welcome: T. E. Angelini and W. G. Sawyer

8:45 - W. G. Sawyer - Tribology in soft matter

9:15 - G. G. Fuller - Rheology: Stability the tear and alveoli films, it's a matter of stress

9:45 - G. A. Ateshian - Modeling: Cartilage friction and wear: Theory and experiments

10:15 – 10:45 Break

Session 2

10:45 - D. J. Pine - Soft Matter: Self-assembly of colloids with directional and DNA-medicated interactions

11:15 - M. O. Robbins - Molecular Simulation: Spanning length and time scales in tribology simulations

11:45 - T.E. Angelini - Convergence of tribology, rheology, and soft matter physics in hydrogel interfaces

12:30 - 1:30 Lunch

Session 3

1:30 - M. Salmeron        

2:00 - O. Lieleg - Lubrication and wear prevention by mucins

2:30 - J. Curtis - Physical regulation of cell access and adhesion by cell surface-grafted polysaccharides

3:00 - E. R.  Dufresne - Drops, Cells, and Gels.

3:30-3:45 Quick Break

3:45 - 4:15 - Speed Round ( ~ 10 presentations)

4:15 – 5:30

                Tribology: Tour UF Tribology Laboratory

                Rheology: Anton Paar

5:30 - 7:00 - Posters and Cocktails (UF Museum of Natural History)

7:30 - Conference Dinner (TBD)


Day 2 - Thursday, October 22, 2015

Session 4

8:30 - J. Klein - Hydration effects and supramolecular synergy in biolubrication

9:00 - D. L. Burris - Cartilage lubrication: new insights into an old problem

9:30 - D. Dini - Physically-based Modeling of Soft Materials and Tissues for Tribological Applications

10:00 - I. Cohen - The friction, rheology, and tribology of cartilage

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Session 5

11:00 - S. M. Rubinstein - Friction dynamics: thinking fast and slow

11:30 - B.N.J. Persson - Multiscale Contact Mechanics with Applications to Dry and Lubricated Soft Contacts

12:00 - K. Jensen - Surface Tension and Adhesion of Soft Solids

12:30-1:30 Lunch

Session 6

1:30 - C. D. Santangelo - From shape to mechanics

2:00 - M. M. Santore - Electrostatic versus Hydrogen Bonding Interactions: Differences in Dynamic Adhesion at the Micron-Scale

2:30 - J. Brujic - Self-assembly of emulsion droplets

3:00 - P. Cann - Oral Perception of Food Attributes: Friction Measurements with Semi-Fluid Foods in a Simulated Tongue-Palate Contact

3:30 - A. Fernandez-Nieves - Dense microgel suspensions: phase behavior and mechanical properties

4:00 - Wrap up discussions

Conference Closes at 5 PM