October 16-18, 2018
University of Florida Emerson Alumni Hall
Gainesville, Florida
Invited Speaker List
Matthew R. Begley, University of California, Santa Barbara
David Brafman, Arizona State University
Ya-Wen (Winnie) Chang, Texas Tech University
Moumita Das, Rochester Institute of Technology
Sujit S. Datta, Princeton University
J. Brandon Dixon, Georgia Institute of Technology
Gabor Forgacs, University of Missouri-Columbia
Shelby B. Hutchens, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hongjun Liang, Texas Tech School of Medicine
Jordan Miller, Rice University
Matthew J. Paszek, Cornell University
David A. Weitz, Harvard University
Xuanhe Zhao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thomas Angelini, UF, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Parker Gibbs, UF, Orthopaedics
Yong Huang, UF, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Keith March, UF, Cardiology
Pete McFetridge, UF, Biomedical Engineering
W. Gregory Sawyer, UF, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Brent Sumerlin, UF, Chemistry
Organizing Committee:
Tommy E. Angelini, Associate Professor, University of Florida
W. Gregory Sawyer, Professor and N.C. Ebaugh Chair, University of Florida
Xin Tang, Assistant Professor, University of Florida